Privacy Policy

Privacy Magic at! 🌟

Hey, fabulous reader! 🚀 Your privacy is our superhero at Hindi News 19, and we’re here to spill the deets on how we keep your info safe and sound. By cruising through, you’re automatically joining the cool squad that follows the privacy rules we’ve cooked up. Let’s roll!

The Scoop on What We Scoop

When you’re vibing on, we might snag a few things, like:

  • Name Magic: If you drop your name while leaving a comment or sliding into our messages, we’ll catch it.
  • Email Enchantment: Love our newsletter or just want to say hey? We’ll snag your email address too.
  • IP Address Charm: Not as spooky as it sounds, promise! We’re just collecting your IP address to keep things in check.

How We Treat Your Info

We’re all about using your info like it’s precious gold:

  • Personalized Vibes: Your details help us tailor our services so it’s like we know you personally (in a non-creepy way).
  • Stay Connected: Subscribed to our newsletter? Brace yourself for some awesome updates and surprises.
  • Getting Better Together: We’re on a mission to make our site even cooler, and your info helps us fine-tune things.

Sharing Secrets? Not Really!

Your secrets are safe with us. We won’t spill unless:

  • Super Service Providers: Sometimes, we bring in the superhero helpers to keep the show running smoothly. They only get the VIP info.
  • Legal Heroes: If the law comes knocking, we might have to share the scoop to stay out of trouble.
  • Your Green Light: If you give us the go-ahead, we might share some info based on your nod of approval.

How Long We Keep the Good Stuff

We’ll hang on to your info as long as we need it for the epic reasons we mentioned earlier. If the law plays hardball, we’ll play by the rules.

Security Dance Party

We’re doing the security cha-cha to keep your info safe and sound. Just a heads up, though – the internet’s a wild place, so we can’t promise 100% security. If you spot anything funky, be our sidekick and give us a shout.

Your Privacy Superpowers

Guess what? You’re the superhero of your data! Feel like peeking at it, updating it, fixing it, or waving goodbye? You’re in control. Unsubscribe from our newsletter? No prob! Feel free to shoot us a message using the contact details right down there! We’re all ears and excited to hear from you. 🚀✨

Changing Up the Privacy Jam

We might add a new dance move or two to our Privacy Policy. If we do, we’ll spill the tea right on this page. Swing by every now and then to catch the latest moves.

Let’s Chat!

Questions, high-fives, or just want to share a virtual coffee? We’re all ears and ready to chat. Drop us a line at:


Thanks for trusting us with your info and being part of the Hindi News 19 crew! 🎉📰